Listen to Your Heart.

Life Quotes

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What Would Your Dream Guy Be Like?

Here's Mine !
i would love a guy who is funny & loves music & artistic &
who has brown hair & green eyes OR black hair
& blue eyes, & who is always gentle & sweet &
has a cute british accent. haha. & someone who
likes me for who i am. (: ♥

The Best Response
I think my perfect guy would have to be Funny & Artistic, Caring & Gentle and very Open.
I wouldn't care what he looked like, but someone with unusual, beautiful features would be nice. (:
He'd love me for who i am, and my flaws wouldn't matter.
Haha, it's alot to ask.


The Uniquest Response
Maybe a guy that looks like Alex Evans or Aaron (Robbie in the movie, Angus th0ngs and perfect sn0gging).

He is Sweet, Kind, Caring, Creative, Artistic, Funny, Gentelmen, a Good Photographer, and Beautiful in the soul (if that makes any sence) Ha haa.

He has a gorgeos smile, sweet mysterious eyes, and lush brow hair.

He would swim the ocean for me, or maybe even die for me ;D

We love the same songs, movies, books ..etc

He would never ever wear what Eminem and 50 Cent would wear.

And.. thats all


The Funniest Response (s)

Oh Gosh I always fall in love with the bad guy.
I know that's soo childish.. But I love when a guy
is mysterious, charming and a bit arrogant..
Strong, taller than me, dark hair and deep brown eyes.


Or Edward Cullen.

yeah ;)


Simple answer;
Christooooffer! § hahah ;)


Monday, September 28, 2009

Animal Cruelty.

Here is Mine.....
i personally think it is ever so wrong. How would
you like to be prodded & poked & examined &
tested on & be in pain just for one thing that will
make the world even more materialistic than
it already is?

The Best Response
I believe animal cruelty is something to be put to an end. Every few seconds and animal is beaten, which is terrible. I believe in rights for all humans and animals. Stop the cruelty! Animals don't have the power to fight back and they can't call for help. Be the voice for an animal. I keep seeing those commercials with the abused animals and EVERYTIME one comes on, I cry. I can't stand to see animals after abuse.


The Uniquest Response
Animals are poor and defenseless,
And the greedy take over power over anything that can't defend itself.
Animal's can't say or doing nothing to tell that person to stop.
I can't say that Animal Cruelty is the worst cruelty,Because child cruelty is ultimately worse!
But it's terrible,And I just don't understand how a person could hurt something so quiet and adorable.


The True-est Response
Imagine this. You a new born puppy. All cute and soft. Then you realise you've been breed to make make-up. A day after your born, you get some shapoo tested on you. A week later, you get more and more make-up and liquids tested on you. Next day... your gone. All because this materialistic world wants a new scented shampoo. Animals are LIVING BREATHING CREATURES. Not test dummies. I saw roadkill yesterday and I nearly cried :[


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Colour Me Happy !

Here's Mine !

Light Blue- im feeling calm, cool, serene & collected. Cool
as a cucumber anyone? haha.

The Best Response

Light And Warm Purple- I'm In A Good Mood Now, I Feel How Autumn Is Coming And I Love This Feeling! I Feel Warm, I Feel Love From People That I Love, I'm Feeling Happy.. (:


The Uniquest Response

I...I think I'm a bit orange..! o.o
Because I'm sick. :[
And I still feel kinda..kinda happy! o:


The Funniest Response

I feel like a rainbow :/
Lol, I feel sad, and excited, upset and stressed, happy and annoyed :/
Oh, well. I guess my dream has come true, I always wanted to be a rainbow XD


great guys, keep up with the fab responses ! xx

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Who Inspires You? -- x

Here's Mine !

Agyness Deyn - she changes they way i think
of models & she is bold & not afraid to
be different, which is what i am all about, quirky
is what im about.

Audrey Hepburn - you cant get any more classic then
this classy chic. love her & her signature LBD .

Lykke Li - her quirky cute tunes & soft pop beats, blow
my cute mind. haha,

The Best Response
The worlds population is 6.784 billion.

One person can change a nation, and some people can change the face of the earth forever. That's what inspires me. It's things like putting words into actions, actions into motions, and succeeding. Martin Luther King inspires me. Nothing stopped him. Not a bomb, not a jail, not half a nation. Sure, Tyra Banks' story is inspiring, but the way MLK changed a nation. It's something breathtaking, if you think about it.

Rosa sat, so Martin could march, so Barack could run, so children all over the world could fly.

So what if they lost the dreamer to soon, because the dreamers dream was so bright, it shone until freedom for all, was found.



The Uniquest Response

I am inspired with all around me.
It can be some famous person,or nature like sea,sky,stars,flowers,animals...),cartoons,my designs(interior) and lots of other stuff...and my mood...
I am very creative person so I just let my creativity out =))



The Funniest Response

Inspriation - i have none.
Unless i can name myself?!?


braaavo laddyiies ! watch out for nxt question !

Saturday, September 12, 2009

♥ If you could change the world in anyway what would you do?

The Best Response
Well. . .without all of the things we have in the world. . .(drugs, bad people, global warming, extinct animals, etc) the world wouldn't be what it was today. This might sound bad, but it's so true.
I would definately want to get rid of one of these things, but then life would be too simple & who knows what the effect will be? You know, you never know what will happen.
Putting that point across. . .if I could change one thing I would do something simpler. I agree with x-fashiondolly-. I would change the way men think about woman. And also abuse to woman.
If you take some things away from the world it could make a bigger affect on something else. If there were no criminals, why do they have prisons?



The Uniquest Response

One random thing that came up today in English; people thinking guys doing Ballet or dance is weird. It's beyond me.

I'd get rid of all the criminals. And the fact that physically men are better than women. The way criminals target women more. I don't like all that stuff.

I'm such a hippie ♥


The Most Interesting Response
I would Stop Polloution and Wars, And Help Extict Animals, Polloution Is Killing Some! And If it stoped The World Would Be Peacefull safer world To Live In, & People Who Abuse/ed Childeren, Should Be taken away the Right To have another Child, and also Fights, and Murder, and Stealing, and Terroists..
Gosh, There Would Be SO much I could Change, If there was a way, The World would Be better,AND NO MONEY. NOTHING COSTED ANYTHING.
That would Be a dream..



Monday, September 7, 2009

♥ When you think of "Moonlight" what do you think of?

The Best Post:
When I think of moonlight I think of me sitting high up on a mountain with a boy I really like, with his arms around me (:
- xoxo.

The Uniquest Post:
When i think of moonlight, it's makes me think Stephanie Meyer is gonna write another twilight sequel book called "MOONLIGHT"

The Funniest Post:
I think of my roiworld name!
haha that's the worst answer ever..
And I think of a wonderful night with a full moon, just a beautiful scene!

Congrats to those ! & thanx for those
who wrote a response ! Continue
responding to questions for
more a chance of getting posted ! xx katrina

Friday, September 4, 2009


Posts Coming Soon !
Watch for them !
If you dont you'll
regret it ! haha. ^.^

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